Our responsibilities


We had a clear goal in mind: We wanted to fulfil a real need that we, as a family had experienced many times. We want to offer a product that we would have loved to find and above all, we want to do our bit to take care of and protect everything that matters most to us.

How can we create a product with minimal environmental impact?

This was a recurrent question from the very beginning when Rainbow Rainbers was just a conversation topic.

Our idea could have been developed faster and of course cheaper had we chosen the easy route of using common or unsustainable materials found in everyday life. But, as we are a “stubborn” family, we have kept to our promise of ensuring each step of our project meets our values and we know there is nothing worth more than that.

There is no plastic present in our packaging. Instead, we use recyclable boxes and bags made of Naturflex™, a biodegradable 100% home compostable film made from cellulose, derived from sustainable wood pulp. Our labels might look like plastic, but are comprised of a compostable film made from renewable resources such as wood-pulp from managed plantations.

How can we offer safe, sustainable, and high-quality family products?

For us, it has always been very simple: it’s all about ingredients and materials. From the beginning, we knew we wanted to focus on quality.

Nowadays, with all the information we have at our fingertips, deciding what to buy for our family becomes not only scary but also frustrating.

We were very clear that we wanted to create a place where families know exactly what they are buying, with minimal high-quality ingredients and materials specified on our labels.

Rainbow Rainbers has the Organic certification from OF&G. Most of our products crafted at our London HQ are created with organic materials like our Rainber® Mix and Rainber® Drops and most of our apparel.

We have made every possible effort to ensure that if it’s not organic, it comes from the circular market or from local wholesalers.

Lastly, we don’t store large stock; our production is made by order to ensure sustainability during our creation process.

How can we ensure we are providing healthy food for children?

From the second you hold your little one in your arms; you understand you will have to make a lot of difficult choices from that moment on.

In a world where our food is often full of chemicals, it’s a difficult task for parents to source food that is both affordable and healthy. However we can control the quality of some of our food intake by choosing organic alternatives.

Rainbow Rainbers works with organic farms offering fruit that meets the highest quality standards.

  • Controlling our impulses and eating habits is difficult enough for adults, let alone small children.A healthy diet needs to be varied and balanced and that is why portion sizes matter. For a child aged between 4 – 10 years old, the NHS recommends a maximum portion of 30g of raisins. We have been very careful in not surpassing that quantity, leaving space in our bags for other highly nutritious ingredients, creating diverse and healthy mixes.
  • Our packaging is not only designed for children but for concerned, curious and even confused parents like we were. We have included all possible information about nutritional facts together with safety tips and health recommendations. A big toothbrush is our friendly reminder of the importance of oral health.

For more information about food portions, visit:

NHS – School Food Standards Guidance
NHS – 5 A Day: What counts?